- Ecomasculinity, ecology, nature, culture, power.
This paper makes an attempt to analyse ecomasculinity in Edward’s Abbey’s Fire on the Mountain. The natural environment and ecology are altered by man either positively or negatively depending on what man thinks about himself in relation to nature around him. The relationship between nature and culture in
intimately woven and any attempt to severe the bond could be disastrous. Man’s peaceful co-existence with nature makes him realize the importance of maintaining the ecological balance. However, indiscriminate poaching, deforestation and other exploitative activities have ruined man’s chances of preserving the environment. The novel exposes the significance of living in perfect harmony with nature, thereby defining the ecomasculine self that proves that it could care for the environment. Exploitative forces are too strong for the protagonist who has to give up his life fighting against the onslaught of modernity. The paper critiques man’s callous attitude to nature and simultaneously warns mankind of impending danger of total annihilation of mankind due to ecological imbalance.