- Teaching language, Modern technology
Teaching is demanding, exciting and gratifying. Students arrive in the classroom to learn and the task of the teacher becomes easier. Maintaining motivation then becomes the main objective. Brian O’Connell says “Without motivation, learning doesn’t take place.” Before teaching a class, it is essential to prepare and collect enough materials to cover the allocated teaching time. Teaching materials are used to promote learning, to maintain interest, to add variety to the lesson and to relate one subject to other subjects. There is a vast range of materials for teachers to use, although some are more readily available in certain countries than in others. Teachers always need more and more materials to keep up to date, and to renew worn items. It is useful to be aware of the applications of Modern Technology in the classroom although it is not readily available in many colleges or not available at all. Students enjoy variety in classroom and welcome the introduction of any form of film and screen presentations. The novelty factor immediately gains the full attention of the individual. And a highly professional studio production almost guarantees interest that will be maintained throughout the screening. Thus teaching through Technologies becomes a pleasurable experience for the students to learn. Modern appliances like Computers, Projectors, CD Player can be used in teaching. But all kind of Technologies still need the presence of a teacher, his smile, his heart and his motivation. The aim must be to produce a new generation full of humanity and life and not Computer – like students.