- Pollution,Cherukulangara temple pond,Aryanambi temple pond,Water quality and Air
The quality of water is identified in terms of its physical, chemical and biological parameters.Limnological features of two such temple ponds, the Cherukulangara temple pond and Aryanambi temple pond were undertaken in the present study. The biological parameters of the ponds were also made during the study. In the present investigation all the parameters showed higher values in Pond B compared to Pond A. All values are found to be within or less than the permissible limit. Both ponds showed an oligotrophic nature with the presence of poor nutrients and low vegetation. Both ponds are unpolluted fresh water bodies which have no chemical or sewage pollution. It is suggested that the higher authorities should take steps to maintain the quality of fresh water bodies including ponds from all kinds of pollution and balance the fresh water ecosystem.