- North Coimbatore, Domesticated plants, Wild Plants, Documentation, Plant protection
Due to the civilization, the core environmental changes has been observed in city where still documentation of cultivated and wild species has yet to be done for future studies over the seasonal changes and study of relationship between human and plants in recent scenario. Based on this fundamental concept, the study area has been chosen for the documentation of plant species in north Coimbatore city area to accomplish the project. The planned study area comprises of Periyanaicken palayam, Annur, Karamadai, Sarcarsamakulam. There are hundred plant species documented in this floristic study. Out of which 62 are domesticated plants as ornamental or other consumption purposes and 37 are wild plants around the residing area. This analysis indicated that the documented plant species comes under 40 taxonomic families. Highest species found in the family Fabaceae (15), Apocyanaceae (7), Solanaceae (5), Malvaceae (5), Acanthaceae (5). It is also revealed that the documented domesticated plant species are with the high number of Tree habits (40%) whereas documented wild plant species are with the high number of Herb habits (46%) than other habits. Among which most of the plants are used for domestic consumption, ornamentation and few are medicine. In this survey, no rare status plants have been observed and the area is completely civilized and the land area around the residence has been highly influenced by human beings. The wild species documented in this area are herbaceous weed plants blooming at every rainy season. This study concluded that the wild plants are highly destroyed for various purposes and lead to have only herbaceous weeds around us. Hence the cultivation of trees and protection management has to be initiated to increase the green cover of the study area to regain the misty, moderate climate as the identity of Coimbatore. It will definitely improve the wild fauna lives of the area and other ecological services from vegetation.