- Nilgiri Biosphere Region (NBR), Maccro fungi, Diversity, climatic data
Studies on the taxonomy and diversity of macro fungi are gaining importance as many macro fungi are becoming extinct and facing threat of extinction because of habitat destruction. Present study deals with the diversity of macro fungi in Nilgiri Biosphere Region (NBR) of Western Ghats. Extensive surveys were conducted from June 2011 to February 2012, where collection, preservation and photo of macro fungal carried the genera like are Boletus, Suillus, Leccinum, Tylopilus, Lactarius, Russula, Amanita, Tricholoma, Stropharia, Entoloma, Cortinarius, Scleroderma and Agrocybe were identified. A total of 20 species were collected belonging to 10 genera. Also the temperature, rainfall and the relative humidity of the study area was noted periodically. This preliminary study shows that the forest is very rich in mushroom diversity