Evaluation of Newly Formulated Biostimulant on Improving Productivity of Chilli (Capsicum Annuum)
- biostimulant, chilli, productivity, biometric values
Agriculture provides continuous supply of vegetables and fruits. Chilli is one among the vegetables which is consumed by all people from all parts of the world. Production of chilli meets the demand and supply gradually due to lack of higher yield. In this scenario, the biostimulant quench the thrust and make up the productivity higher to supply huge quanitiy. Biostimulants are natural or synthetic substances that can be applied to seeds, plants, and soil. These substances cause changes in vital and structural processes in order to influence plant growth through improved tolerance to abiotic stresses and increase seed and/or grain yield and quality.
The present study was designed to evaluate a newly formulated biostimulant on increasing the productivity of chilli. This biostimulant contains a mineral extract of natural compounds based powder formulation as a broad spectrum plant protector. The formulation has growth regulators and plant nutrients with NPK the primary and S, Ca, Mg secondary macro nutrients. Trace amounts of iron and copper are also included. Among the four dosages tested (1g, 2g, 3g and 4g in one litre of water), proved that increased the yield and biometric values. While the concentrations of biostimluant increased will influence the gradual yield improvement of chilli in both pot and field experiments. Since the cost of biostimulant plays major role in farmer’s economy point of view, the optimum dose 2g / Litre of water could be considered for recommendation for availing the higher yield of chilli.