Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023): Vol 10, Iss 2, Year 2023
Documentation of some of the major medicinal plants used by the irula people in Palamalai hills of Coimbatore district, Tamil nadu, India
December 31, 2023
- Ethnobotany, traditional knowledge, medicinal plants
How to Cite
S, V. P., K, K., T V, A., Aleena. B. Eluvathingal, J, Y., & J, R. (2023). Documentation of some of the major medicinal plants used by the irula people in Palamalai hills of Coimbatore district, Tamil nadu, India. Kongunadu Research Journal, 10(2), 40 - 47. https://doi.org/10.26524/krj.2023.15
Our traditional health practices rely heavily on medicinal herbs. Protecting biological diversity requires understanding living things and being aware of how to protect them. A preliminary study on the diversity of medicinal plants was carried out at Palamalai Hills, Nikenpalayam, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu. This study examined his 36 most useful medicinal herbs with high healing potential. Herbal medicines are used by the Irula people to treat red rash, diabetes, jaundice, asthma, fertility, infertility, hay fever, and other illnesses. Scientific knowledge is required to cultivate the above-mentioned medicinal plants to prevent most diseases and both to develop and protect natural resources.
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